Network Guarantee O...

Our 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee

We do our best to ensure 100% uptime, but occasionally things go wrong. When this happens we’ll update our server status page.  Additionally any other announcements regarding planned outages will occur on our network issues page.

We have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee that helps ensure reliability of the service we provide to you. Exclusions to the guarantee are as follows:

  • Notified outages, where we are required to complete server or site maintenance, or
  • when we need to take action to resolve any Denial of Service (DOS) attack, or
  • any other action where we are required to act to ensure stability of our servers
  • where the outage is a result of actions either you or a third party have completed, or we have completed at your request
  • Interruption of service due to unpaid invoices, abuse notifications and violations of TOS
  • ISP or connection problems outside our network
  • Acts of Force Majeure

How we calculate network uptime

Uptime is calculated over the period of a month, with 15 minute sampling intervals

If the uptime guarantee is not met

If the uptime guarantee is not met, we will recompense you as follows

  • Monthly uptime is greater than 99% – guaranteed
  • Monthly uptime is between 99.89% and 99.7% – 10% discount on 1 months hosting fee
  • Monthly uptime is between 99.69% and 99.5% – 20% discount on 1 months hosting fee
  • Monthly uptime is between 99.49% and 99.00% – 30% discount on 1 months hosting fee
  • Monthly uptime is between 98.89% and 95% – 50% discount on 1 months hosting fee
  • Monthly uptime is less than 94.9%  – 100% discount on 1 months hosting fee

How to claim

Please provide evidence of your request by raising a support ticket through our support portal, including the date and time the outage occurred. Credits will be applied to your hosting account unless specifically requested otherwise.

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